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I’m a 40 something mom of two, married to Mark (who takes most of my pictures, because he knows how to bring out the best in me). We live in St. Louis, MO with a dog, a cat and very loud guinea pig. My ideal day would include shopping, lunch at Companion and more shopping, followed by a glass of wine with friends. Two consistent traits my whole life: I talk way too much but have a knack for pulling an outfit together. Seriously, my mom saved all of my report cards and each one says “V. Chatty”. I think of shopping as an enjoyable pastime and love to help women change their minds who disagree with that.


I have learned in life that homemade jam always tastes better, shopping local is more fun than department stores, having a dog makes you happier, a clean car changes your outlook and that not everything looks like it does in the picture. I hate working out, but do it so I can eat whatever I want. Also, you should surround yourself with people who clap when you succeed. Pay attention to that last one.


I hope you’ll find Hantastic to be a great resource whether you need a new outfit for work, date night or running errands. Don’t find anything you like or looking for something specific? Reach out: hannah@hantastic.com

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